2-Day Virtual Inquiry Mindset Outreach Toolkit

2-Day Virtual Inquiry Mindset Outreach Toolkit

Rescue America, or any other nation, for that matter? Let’s start with education.  In a society of a system of systems, education is predecessor. ReThink Learning, and their for-profit affiliate Every Child Whole, are all about interrupting the inequities in education that stand in the way of children accessing their story.

It’s time to put students in the driver’s seat of their education, a co-designer in the learning experience.  A powerful way to equip students to partner and take ownership of their education is through what is called an inquiry mindset.

Students partnering with education and educators to tell their story is one of the reasons why we are hosting a 2-Day Virtual Educator Intensive on Inquiry Mindset.  If you are seeing this, we would love if you would partner with us to help that happen.

The 2-Day Virtual Inquiry Mindset Educator Intensive takes place on August 16 and 17, 2021, from 8:30am-12:30pm PST. We are confident that everyone in attendance will benefit from participating and return to the classroom with a renewed outlook on how to create valuable and validating learning experiences with their students.  Help us get the word out with the social media posts below.